The fate of nitrogen of ammonium phosphate fertilizers: A blind spot
Margenot - 2023
An identified agronomic interpretation for potassium permanganate oxidizable carbon - Svedin - 2023
considerable research efforts have identified soil analyses that reflect improvements in soil biological properties from the adoption of conservation land use practices. However, only a fraction of published research investigating soil health indicators highlight the need for clear, absolute interpretations.
…later on…
We report POXC as a more sensitive predictor of corn grain yield than both traditional measures of soil organic matter and soil fertility analyses while little evidence was found to support the use of soil respiration and Ace Protein as indicators of corn grain yield.
Glad to see this paper finally come out after 2 years. Pat on the back.
Pairwise Develops First Seedless Blackberry with (
Good news maybe for jam, jelly, and juice producers, but is there any lost nutritional value to those eating berries whole?
Gonna see how this one matures before giving it a go.
The action begins (and often ends) in the battle between pitcher and hitter.
Fatal airliner accidents per million commercial flights, World, 1970 to 2021 (
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