I can’t believe I’m old enough to see RStudio get replaced (they say RStudio will still be supported for years to come, so there is hope).
Positron is supposedly:A next-generation data science IDE built by Posit PBC
An extensible, polyglot tool for writing code and exploring data
A familiar environment for reproducible authoring and publishing
Multiformat branding with
– QuartoTimely.
The Problem of Thinking Too Much on JSTOR
We can spend endless time thinking and wind up doing nothing-or, worse, getting involved in the minutiae of a partially baked idea and believing that pursuing it is the same as making progress on the original problem.
Hitchens's razor - Wikipedia
What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence
It’s a little problematic but still, did you know this phrase had a name?
Buy quality once or cheap many times. Wear them 5-10 times before washing inside out. Learn to patch and mend.
Ocean Sciences with the Spilhaus Projection: A Seamless Ocean Map for Spatial Data Recognition
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