Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from North American soybean production | Nature Sustainability
Adoption is a central challenge for any new intervention, as farmers must weigh the benefits versus the costs in their own environment. Recognizing that there are risks associated with early planting, the benefits to the environment and farmer profitability may merit modifications to government insurance programmes to encourage earlier soybean planting. In the United States, crop insurance programmes preclude maize and soybean planting before dates set by the Risk Management Agency of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). These programmes are used in more than 90% of the US maize and soybean planting area.
Funny how it’s always the implementation part that trips us up.
We've made it much easier to reuse our data - Our World in Data
Today, we're excited to announce two significant improvements that make it even easier to access and reuse the data we have collated on our site: enhanced data download options and a new data API.
Everything is Amazing, But Nothing is Ours – Alex Danco's Newsletter
years ago websites were made of files; now they are made of dependencies
The ‘mad egghead’ who built a mouse utopia | Science | The Guardian
Code for America | Jennifer Pahlka | Talks at Google
Worth the read.
The Digital Services Playbook — from the U.S. Digital Service
It comes with checklists!
Celebrating Thanksgiving | The West Wing
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